Random thoughts and rants...
Published on August 30, 2008 By Neilo In Misc

So I pretty much hate all smokers. Well there are exceptions of course but the generic butt throwing smoker can kiss my ass. I am sick of walking down the street and seeing those little filthy orange butts everywhere.

Christ people can't you clean up after yourselves?

I'm sure you don't drop these things on your floors at home do you, I bet you use an ashtray that you then empty into a bin...so what is the fraking difference when your outside? The whole world is not your personal ash tray assholes.....I see these people throwing them out of cars, when there walking down the road.......everywhere. And do you ever see the police ever book someone for throwing their butts away like that. I bet most places have laws in place for littering but these people get away with it all the time, just look on the street next time you go for a walk.


I thought about what kind of solution I could come up with. And I think I have it.

Make cigarettes stronger.

That way whatever it is in those damn little things that increase your chances of getting cancer might get increased and you filthy no care for the environment walking bags of pollution might start dying out quicker and the streets, drains and oceans just might get cleaner.

If the price for me to walk down a clean butt free street is to have all the worlds smokers suddenly die off within the next decade then that’s a price ill happily pay...


Christ ill even speed up the process.....Come see me, im going to buy a whole heap of those little stinking cancer sticks and I’ll stick them in your mouth faster than you can smoke em.......


on Aug 31, 2008

Wondering? Where did that rant come from?

on Aug 31, 2008

Thanks for posting this it made me chuckle

on Aug 31, 2008

Where i work is a pre WW1 Fort that is a museum and heritage site. I do security there and have to clean up after the night security guards and the public in general who feel it is perfectly fine to just dump their butts right where they stand. The night security guards sit in their cars and dump their butts out their windows, so when i get there in the morning there is a huge pile of butts right wear their cars were parked.

I mean these people must be smoking a whole pack in one shift...and then the general public just leave the butts all over the place.


In fact i have been sick of seeing the streets and footpaths covered in these things for years, and the police are meant to be booking people for littering but it never happens....throwing your butts on the ground is the new jaywalking.


I simply don't see how hard it is to throw these things away properly. I mean the streets are not covered in Big Mac wrappers or coke cans, people recognize that those items are rubbish and should be treated as such...well mostly...so why not cigeratte butts?

on Aug 31, 2008

Thanks for posting this it made me chuckle


Thats the point.

on Aug 31, 2008

What the crap! This post was only meant for the blog on ImpulseDriven. Why o why do they have to posted across all of SD's boards...oh well rant be gone now!

on Aug 31, 2008

Hah! Wow! I agree(but, I usually don't rant since many of my loved ones are smokers). It's true though. It is littering, but have you ever been around someone carrying a days worth of butts? Jesus Christ they stink the place up soooo fast!! Also I hate it when people put their butts in potted plants, especially mine. Or if you're at a rager, you'll find the litterbox has turned into an ashtray.

Pretty good rant, makes mr tink of Grind my Gears on FG. Except I agree so long as people don't stockpile their butts.

on Aug 31, 2008

It's not a universal problem - I've seen quite a few Japanese tourists carrying around little personal asshtrays that they dump the ash and butts into and then empty next time they pass a dustbin.

on Aug 31, 2008

Maybe your answer to the problem would work with alcohol abuse too? I'm sick of walking down the streets on a monday and seeing the results of a heavy weekend of drunk youths all over the sidewalk.

So we should try the same with them too eh? Lets make alcohol more addictive and increase the strength and maybe all alcoholics will die out in the next decade too! Hell it would reduce the strain on the hospitals as well.. Nice idea you have there, i wonder what else you can cure with that attitude..

on Aug 31, 2008

Ahh candidate numero uno..thankyou.


Let me guess, you smoke? Well if you do and are one of the considerate few who dont just hurl their butts wherever they stand then you fall into the exceptions case that i mentioned...or did you not read that bit in your haste to be a smart arse?

I reckon there are quite a few things that i could achieve with my attitude, but if you are a smoker, i'm sorry i doubt you will be around to see them, or at the very least to busy lokking upon the world with your closed mind to notice.

Maybe if i change my name and avatar lots i can get away with being an ass????