After a few years of great ships let's see what we can roll out in 2012. With GC2 now on Steam, we might get an influx of new designs for us all to paw over!!!
2011 Ships2010 Ships
2009 Ships
2008 Ships
2007 Ships
I downloaded Croc's 'navy-style' ships a wee while back and have loved them ever since. I decided to try and design my own navy-esque ships and came up with the following so far:
For those interested, the first number denotes the ship's service zone (I split up my empire into zones), the second is class and the third and fourth the ship number.
Nice! I particularly like the FG1204..looks pretty good!
some of my latest... i noticed that i rarely use small sized ships in my games
Equalizer (large)
Silence (huge)
Arrow (tiny)
This thread isn't getting as many responses as I would hope. All I have right now are Terran designs, but wait a few days and I should have something up.
I'm getting ready to start my new TA game (finsihing up yet another playthrough of borderlands) and ill have a whole range of ships...i havent designed in TA for a few years, so i will be spending Alot of time in the shipbuilder!
for my next game i built a new federation style ship (huge)
Nice, that looks really cool. I often build in a federation style, or at least a Star Trek style. How many times i have tried to build a Romulan Warbird escapes me, have never done it any justice though!!!
Some ships from my latest game. first time i have bothered with trade in a while so i built a nice frieghter for the occasion. The Lucian Alliance Warp Freighter.Lucian alliance Medium Hull: Bird of PreyAnd the Flagship of the Lucian Alliance Navy, the Aurora Class. (kind of a cross between an Atlantian (Stargate Atlantis) aurora class and a Mon Calamari ship from SW)I think my greatest creation so far.
Wow, the Aurora class ship is beautiful, if that's the right word for an immense engine of terrifying laser death. I've never seen any of the Stargate shows, are they worth getting into?
Ragaril, I really like your Federation-style ship too.
Finally scratch-built a ship rather than expanding on existing designs. It captures what I like about the Yor aesthetic - weirdness, odd amounts of empty space, pointy things, and their peculiar aerials/tentacles.
The Defect Removal Frigate
The reason I ended up building this guy is that I really wanted to use some of the more difficult bits of Yor style jewelry. specifically the bits that comprise the top and bottom of the frigate. MAN I wish you could add attachment points to things - I spent a long time fiddling with hidden components to get the aerial/tentacles in the right place.
The Attack Drone, the workbot fighter craft of my Yor Collective. This particular Drone is level 45 and has gotten somewhere near 100 kills suppressing Torian planets; they start at 10 hp.
I'm able to get away with no engines due to the Ultradrive event plus engine and stellar streams research. In-game speed on this guy is 9 parsecs/wk
I like your Lucian Alliance ships, Neilo - very cool. My favorite is actually the freighter, it just looks very freight-y while also giving the impression of speed. Well done, sir.
Edit: The new Reformat class frigate, built to combat the Jagged Knife and my stolen beam technology.
i have rebuilt some of my star trek ships. i think some of the proportions are not 100% right and some ships look different depending on the source.
Miranda Class (medium hull)
Tamarian Deep Space Cruiser (large hull)
Excelsior Class (huge hull)
Sheliak Ship (small hull)
Nice work Ragaril!!How about a Cardassian Cruiser, Romulan Warbird or anything Klingon?!