Random thoughts and rants...
"The most active empire in the MV today!"
Published on June 5, 2007 By Neilo In Metaverse

Hi all and welcome to the Tyranny of Evil. The Tyranny of Evil is a dedicated Metaverse empire that has risen to prominence in just 1 year. 2nd place on the AltMeta and a soon to be 3rd place in the MV is no small feat from an empire with ~39 active players.

Dedicated to the pursuit of evil, we encourage all players, new or veterans, to join us in our quest to be the strongest, most active and long lived empire in the Metaverse.

We pride ourselves on being one of the most active empires in the MV or the Altmeta, and it is that activity that makes us unique. Our members are active submitters of games and have a very strong and prominent forum presence.

Please visit our official home at out private forums where you can find many topics covering game strategies, Metaverse League chat and general gaming and Sci-Fi threads amongst many others.

We hope to see in our empire and we wish you luck in all your conquests.

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Neilo - Emperor, Tyranny of Evil

Comments (Page 218)
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on Feb 01, 2012

Guys, can anyone recall how to, or the thread about, forcing GC2 to use 3GB ram?

Large Address Aware:

1) Run the application.

2) Click on "Force LAA." If you want to undo the changes, click on "Reset LAA."

3) Profit.

Extract "The Large Address Aware" and run it from anywhere.  A small dialog will flash for a second as it gathers information.

You will then presented with a screen showing each game installed, whether or not it is large address aware (LAA), and the full path to the game.

Under the LAA column, you have two types:

True = 4 GiB - "App can handle >2gb Address space" False = 2 GiB - DEFAULT

There are two buttons present on the application:

Force LAA - This sets all to "True" without exception. Reset LAA - This sets all to "False" without exception.


Windows Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008

1) Open command prompt with Adminitrator rights. To do this, go to Programs, Accessories, right-click on Command Prompt and select "Run as Administrator."

2) Enter the following at the prompt and press enter: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 3072

3) Close the prompt and restart the computer.

The title of the application comes from the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE compiler flag for Visual Studio.  More info here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/wz223b1z(VS.80).aspx

Try the this link first and see where that takes you if you like then download and run. I hope this helps or atleast gets where you want to go! I use this in my all games.


We are looking for players to join to become aggressive Admirals to lead your fleets across the Galaxy!

AdeptaSoroitasBanner Empress Saint Mina of Ophelia VII of Order of the Bloody Rose of Orders Militant of Adepta Sororitas

on Feb 01, 2012

Thanks Sole Soul and SaintMina!    

I think the old trick is out of date.  According to the following post, the 3GB switch we used way back when was only for 32 bit OSs like XP and 2K.


Most of us are running 64 bit now, so it wouldn't apply.  Making the app LAA seems like it might work since the OS is already there.  The LAA app at the bottom of SaintMina's post looks promising.

+1k to SaintMina    

on Feb 01, 2012

I did it and it seems to be working, i have not played a game session long enough to test it our thoroughly though.

Thanks to all!

on Feb 02, 2012

The Terrans are definitely overpowered.  It's early year 1 and I have all treaties from everyone without using advanced tricks.  I also haven't given my treaties to anyone.  My economy is in the green and I've even built the SCC just to get it off of the project list.  I haven't parked a single fighter under it and the AI are still groveling at my feet.

My only fighters are the ones I bought from the AI and landed on various planets.  I'm even using their troop transports to fill my new colonies with population.

Get this...The AI has even sold me not only colonization tech, but Barren and Advanced Barren.  Those are always off limits unless you use advanced tricks.  This is just a straight up game, albeit all labs.

Wild stuff if you ask me.

on Feb 02, 2012

Wow...getting the extreme techs is nigh impossible straight up, i'm a little surprised you pulled it off. I think it's fair to say that the Terrans never have really been givin a good test drive, since they proved to be useless for Mumblers, i don't think anyone really thought to see what they are capable of.

I wonder, what with the MCC doing what it's meant to, how much more powerful the Terrans may be in TA? I don't know if their tree is one of the borked ones or not, but if not, a TA game using Terrans with points in diplo and influence, the SCC trick and the MCC, might be an interesting game to play out. If the TA tree is fine, and i'll have to ask around, i might try that.

All this straight up game play has me longing for the MVL again....i miss that more than playing for uber scores or ZYW.

on Feb 03, 2012

Neilo, at 500 plus games, what is your percent of your scores are you getting to your total score. I did the math found out that I'm getting 5.80% to 8.58%. When I submit a game score of 98000, only 8416 went to my total score of 1699663. Don't forget your total score degrades over time too. Trying get to high scores is really taking the fun out of the game. I like to design ships so the fun is still here for me!

We are looking for players to join to become aggressive Admirals to lead your fleets across the Galaxy!

AdeptaSoroitasBanner Empress Saint Mina of Ophelia VII of Order of the Bloody Rose of Orders Militant of Adepta Sororitas

on Feb 03, 2012

Sorry Mina, i have paid no attention whatsoever to what happens with my score now. I post the game, grab the screenshot and don't look back.  Yup, the high score games killed GC2 for me, in fact i abandoned two, one million point games simply due to it feeling much more like a chore than playing a game.

Though i am submitting to the MV, that's because, well, if i am playing it may as well be MV, but i have played some mod games already, and may submit a few mod games to the MV under my other account, just for shits and giggles. (i'll talk about one of those games in a moment)
I should point out that not all my recent games have been on my Centurion character. Iv'e been spreading them about, and in fact my current game is on my Chancellor Gowron character, which i will reset and redo as someone else.

Your more than welcome to check out my character and do the math, and i wish i could help you, i just don't think about the score meaning anything anymore.

i played a TA ZYW the other day, a mod game with a mod i created that assumed the galaxy only had a life of 12months. My custom and the AI all had uber powers. The game scored over 5million and i finished on Dec 8!!!!

Needless to say it was a heavily modded game, but i suppose i could wreck havoc on the AltMeta leader boards if i was so inclined!!

on Feb 03, 2012

5 mil?    

Trying get to high scores is really taking the fun out of the game.

Ditto.  That's why we're no longer interested in scores.  Just taking the different races out for a spin and having fun with the game is a better way to spend time.  Like most things in life, once it becomes a chore, it loses its attractiveness. 

@Neilo - Is the TA MCC about influence or diplomacy?  Maybe both?  If it's diplomacy, it could really overpower the Terrans.  I guess influence can help in some ways as well.  

I only played 1 game in TA and kind of dropped it like a hot potato.  It was boring to me at the outset.  I might give it another try one day.  Probably with the mods that everyone is talking about.  I'm not in any hurry though.


on Feb 03, 2012

TAA MCC causes enemy planets to flip almost immediately once they reach the 4x influence threshold-the original design.

on Feb 03, 2012

I see Diplo and influence going hand in hand for the terrans, in TA specifically though. I have not tried this, but...

Terrans, vanilla, with points in diplo, tech influence and morale. All labs, or close to, rush your tech as usual, get the SCC and get a huge mil advantage, build the MCC and start trading tech for planets, but scout the planets and pick ones in the middle of their empire, and try and get clusters if possible. Make sure said planets have a influence structure on them, sit back and start watching the AI planets flip over to you....

Seems the Terrans with the TA MCC might be able to achieve this faster than one would think..

on Feb 03, 2012

Ah, I see how that could work out.  Kind of like planting a virus in there and watching it take hold.  Nice.


My Terran game has pretty much run its course as far as a test run goes.  I think I'll research some hulls and weapons tech and go to war.


<edit> LOL - I don't remember where I built the SCC and I can't find the planet.  I guess I won't be starting anything from wherever that might have been.


on Feb 04, 2012

LOL - I don't remember where I built the SCC and I can't find the planet. I guess I won't be starting anything from wherever that might have been.

Double click any planet to go to the planet screen and then start hitting X to cycle through your planets, just keep your eyes peeled for the SCC.
Shouldn't take too long.

I'm going to try that terran build as my next game, might take me a while though since i have little experiance with TA, might run though a quick game or two to test it out.

on Feb 04, 2012

It didn't take long to erase the AI.  I just researched psionic beams and upgraded their fighters to small beam ships.   I used their own transporters against them and supplemented them with some small ones of my own.  Even with a small mil score, the overall was pretty decent.



on Feb 04, 2012

Thats a great score for the style of game you played. I think anything over 100K is something to be excited about when playing the game straight up. I don't think the high score games were ever really envisioned by Brad and Cari when the did the game mechanics. Certainly i don't think they expected 1M+ games.

My current game is taking very slow steps, and it's fun. I could ramp up and take everyone now, i'm still at war with everyone (bar minors) but i'm finding it fun trying to live in a state of war without being on the offensive. I'm currently about done wiping the Terrans out (they had the highest planet count) then the torians and Korx will be next, since they are already within my sphere of influence. But i have built border starbases against the Illdrians (krynn) that i was fearful of. they outrank me in mil score now (260 to my 200) but individually, their ships are inferior, as with most crazy AI ship builds, their ship defense is about 10 to 1 over their ATT...

on Feb 05, 2012

Sounds like a fun game Neilo.  One that could get immersive.  Yeah, the AI seem to put a lot into defense.  Good hunting when you open the gun ports on them.

I've started a vanilla Torian game.  As usual, my economy keeps threatening to run bankrupt.  I thought the Torians would be able to beat that with their super breeder skill, but they're not as bouyant as the Terrans.  I'll turn it around before long though.  

Meeting 3 minors has been a huge help.  They're treating me with a hint of contempt, which is kinda funny.  The main AI don't like me so well either and I still haven't met 2 of them yet.  The Drengin really have a chip on their shoulder.  Luckily, they're my closest enemy so they'll be within easy reach when the hostilities start.


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